Friday 29 March 2013

Vintage Fair V Antique Fair..........

This weekend is not about chocolate but about Vintage and Antiques............ which is even better for our waistline......

Saturday 30 March 2013 we will be visiting Batemens Mill who are hosting a Vintage Fair from 1pm, have a few friends standing so going to peruse what's on offer..

Then Tuesday we are spending the day at one of the largest European Antique and Home Fairs at Lincolnshire Showground on Tuesday 2 April 2013

We are on the lookout for china tea sets and vintage additions for one of our weddings this year..... if anyone has any they want to offload please contact us...

Derbyshire Event & Wedding Planners



Sunday 17 March 2013

Serena & Richard Pre Wedding Shoot

A small selection of Serena & Richards pre wedding photos with the fantastic Simon Revill (all photos courtesy of Simon Revill Photography)

This wonderful couple decided the perfect location- the grounds of the majestic Hardwick Hall the spot where they regularly go walking their dogs. More importantly the place where Richard proposed to Serena.

Derbyshire Event & Wedding Planners

Weddings and entertainment

What a busy day after a leisurely coffee at the golf club it's off to see one of our brides venue request items - a bit secretive as don't want to give to much away. Then straight on to see 'The Natterjacks' in action at Brampton Manor, who will be performing at our Charity ball in October.

Sourcing some antique frames for a bride who's vintage theme is brilliant.

These brides are so hands on and full of really good ideas could do with setting them on freelance..... When their own weddings are out of the way of course.

Good job Sundays are not for relaxing !!

Derbyshire Event & Wedding Planners

Sunday 3 March 2013

Charity Ball in aid of Ashgate Hospice and NHBCH

The Charity Ball this year is in aid of two very worthy local charities
  • Ashgate Hospice
  • National Hereditary Breast Cancer Helpline Charity
We are all touched one way or another with either family or friends and these worthy causes offer support that helps ease the pain for everyone.

Our Ball at Casa Hotel on Saturday 5 October 2013 is designed to ensure everyone has an amazing time from start to finish.

It is formal attire but there is also the option of 'Gangsters and Molls' as this is the theme of the ball.

The festivities include:
For tickets contact Julie on 07727 426380

Derbyshire Event & Wedding Planners

Vintage cream tea in the mix

We are on the search for tea sets and cake stands for one of our weddings who instead of coffee and mints is doing tea and home made cakes.

Our collection has begun and we already have some stunning sets and cake stands. The nice thing is talking to the people who some of these have belonged to and the memories the hold..... Priceless

One of our brides is having her pre wedding shoot today on her birthday with the fabulous photographer Simon Revill just know they are going to be brilliant.

Next week we meet up with bridal dress designer Kay Hobson to discuss designs for our bride who has 11 bridesmaids for her big day...

Derbyshire event and wedding planners
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