Wednesday 2 January 2013

Updates and stuff

Looking back at some of our favourite photos for some of our previous weddings.

Liz and Richard who married at Hodsock Priory, this wedding was fabulous and we loved one of their wedding gifts a tandem bike!

Gemma and Tom who regularly hike had some if their photos on Curber Edge, scary stuff for a planner but amazing results.

All weddings have special memories and each one very different like Laura and Steve who had lots if guests over from South Africa...

As we reflect with fondness we look forward to 2013 in particular with Serena and Richard and Leanne and Tom.......

Also Our chosen charity this year NHBCH the founder Wendy Watson who has supported and raised awareness over the years. In fact single handed pioneered for this treatment. One amazing woman who was awarded an MBE so well deserved....
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